
09 November 2013

Wardrobe Top Tips: Week Two

How did last week go? Is your wardrobe arranged in two sections of YES and NO?

This week's challenge is to experiment with the YES pile and remove all the NO items from your wardrobe.

1. The pieces that you no longer need can be either donated to charity, recycled or sold at a car boot sale to earn some extra money.

2. A really fun way is to host a clothes swap, where a bunch of your friends bring their unwanted clothes and SWAP! Items that you have become bored with or no longer like the pattern, shape etc may be the perfect answer to your friends fashion dilemmas.

  • Be careful to not swap your unwanted clothes for items that you don't need. Take time and decide whether the swapped piece is relevant and will enhance your existing wardrobe.
3. With the YES pile you are required to start building outfits that you have not tried out before. Enjoy experimenting with creative ideas to find new outfits.

4. Take pictures of the outfits that have worked well as a reference point for those days when you feel like you have nothing to wear. This is the tricky part as you might need help and encouragement  from one of our Personal Stylists. It is difficult to explore out of your comfort zone and visualise new ideas with clothes that you already own.

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